I am not sure what I’m going to write here. With everything going on in the world right now (cliche phrase, but COME ON), I decided to try and write down some off my angst and stress and depression. As it is, I’m fairly lucky right now, and not heavily effected (yet). Many people are much much much worse off than I am from this, but this is just the beginning, so it’s about what’s coming down the road as much as it’s what’s currently happening.
I decided to experience some nostalgia and learn some new useless stuff by playing with some different file sharing platforms, new and old. I also played some platforms that are specifically not made for file sharing.
To do this, I use The Silent Library’s libraries. This is both the main library (subbed content) and the Raw Wing, which holds raws that typesetters and subbers use. I explain a bit of what The Silent Library and Gaki no Tsukai is in this blog post. I love the original show and the catalogued associated shows so much, they are so fun. Full credit to Bipedal for curating and numerous typesetters (the unsung heroes) and subbers (the more-sung heroes) for all their work.
All the method belows are not the best way to get TSL files, unless you are already using the platform. Then maybe it’s the way to go. In this blog post I’ll discuss what I’ve set up, and any quick notes on challenges/problems. The page that indexes the various protocols/networks is at https://tsl.joyrex.net. The below is more about how the setup went and how to access the data.
I’ve spent a lot of time writing some better code to handle keeping the on-disk version of The Silent Library (or anything) up to date with what IPFS sees/knows about. This means it scans both libraries and adds/removes files to/from IPFS as needed.
Through this experience, I wrote a script in python, and a script in go. The go one is unfinished, but the python one is working. In both cases I did this in a “dumb” way, where I wrote all the code to scan and compare libraries, got a clean list of differences/changes that need to be made, then looked at uploading files. This is where I got stuck. This is for various reasons: I am new to writing serious stuff in both languages, the IPFS doco is poor, and IPFS itself seems to be in constant flux. This experience has shown me that IPFS is not a good solution for sharing The Silent Library, or possibly any large project. Below I will list what I’ve done since the original blog post, as well as further details of the problems I hit trying to explore the IPFS ecosystem.
The Setup was documented soon after the first blog post. The IPFS / Summary sections where documented a couple months later.
NB: I wrote this during the 4-hour stop-work NTEU is partaking in today.
Deakin has put its version of a “fair” EA to staff, which is up for a vote from 24th –> 28th of April. It’s typical Deakin management. Embarrassingly low offers of pay rises, painfully low rate of casualisation conversion, and... that’s about it. Nothing about working from home rights for staff. A half-hearted “oh yeah we’ll look at workloads” comment, and some First Nations advancement stuff (which I have no comment on because I haven’t spoken to anyone across that yet).
Deakin’s branch of the NTEU has been posting facts. They’re working to combat the half-truths, twisted realities, and missing information Deakin tries to disseminate around their terrible deal. Here’s some of the Deakin NTEU information pointing out why you should vote NO:
Deakin NTEU Members will soon receive a ballot that allows them to vote on if Deakin NTEU Members should take protected action, and what protected action they should be allowed to take. This is called a PABO, or a Protected Action Ballot Order. I thought I’d write a post on why we need to strongly support this, and what it means.
I’ve been off Twitter for the last week but hanging out on Discord and Mastodon. Through that (mainly Discord) I’ve seen, yet again, this regular cast of characters (Per Capita members) attack unemployed/underemployed people who dare criticise Labor’s actions (or lack of them). This also leads to the Per Capita people to start claiming harassment when those unemployed people start calling them on their stuff. I feel like sharing my thoughts.
Everything on this post is my view of it all. Nothing on here is set in stone. I don’t know anyone personally (although I have met Phoebe once).
I want a bot account to run on Mastodon, and I want it to be private, so only I can follow it and see what it posts. I have one on twitter, and the apps I’m using to post to the account (sonarr, radarr, etc) have Twitter integration, so posting to the account is easy. With Mastodon, they don’t have notification integration. They do have the ability to run a custom script though. Mastodon accounts also don’t have a one-click private button like Twitter does, but again, that can be worked around. Below are the steps I took to get it working.
I recently finished attending NTEU’s National Council 2022. Previously I’ve been on two Zoom-based National Councils. I did another post on the content of national council, but I thought it’d be handy to try and document what being on national council in the NTEU is like. I am going to try and cover from getting elected to attending and participating in the national council. This isn’t a guarantee about how the process will work for you (things change), but it’ll likely be very similar.
2022-10-27: Removed a link to an opening speech on request.
This was my first in-person national conference (previous two have been Zooms), and if I could describe it in two words, it’s “solidarity” and “exhausting”.